December 31, 2007

It's Happening

Something I used to be incredibly self-conscious about is that my right eyebrow and eyelashes are dark while my left eyebrow and eyelashes are blond. I've had them dyed since I was 13 years old.

(This is why I have virtually no pictures of myself - it's easy to spot the difference in photos for some reason.)

For most of my life, I went to one person to have my lashes & brows dyed. Every month for an hour and a half I would sit in my aesthetician's salon chair while she applied dye to make my lashes & brows appear normal.

Sometimes I wondered what would I do if it weren't for her. No one does as good a job as she does. No one gets the match quite right; no one else cares as much as she does. No one else makes me feel as beautiful.

And then she went to Europe for the summer. Which was potentially devastating, as I'd relied heavily on her to feel good about myself.

But then I met Renae. Who did an even better job than my original girl! I never dreamed it possible to improve on the service I was already receiving, but there it was. Even better than before! I wouldn't have thought it possible! But it was undeniable. Even better than before. How lucky am I?!

And now Renae has injured her shoulder and isn't working.

Instead of being devastated, this time I know there is another good surprise in store for me.

This is what I'm thinking of as I reflect on 2007 and look forward to 2008. This last year was amazing in so many ways, that I wouldn't think it possible to improve on. If I didn't already know better, that is. It really CAN get better! In fact, it DOES! That's how it works.

Three years ago when I was dating online every guy I met was even better than the last. It was surreal!! I don't think I stopped smiling the entire summer! I tell people all the time that I had so much fun that summer I'm sure it was illegal.

So I know it can get better than it already is - even when it's already fabulous. I also know that as I reflect on how wonderful it is, it can't HELP but get better. That's how the system works.

Life is already SO good, what more could I ask in this upcoming year? 2007 treated me very well ... I can't imagine what more to look forward to in 2008. But then I remember Renae.

And I remember life just keeps getting better.

Better and better.

Are you ready? Are you ready for it to get even better than it has been?

Because it's coming.

Actually, it's happening already. In every moment, it's getting better. Can you feel it?

It's happening now.

Here's to 2007, and 2008, and all the wonderful years ahead and behind us. Aren't we the lucky ones?!

See how your year was wonderful, and you're automatically a guaranteed shoe-in for another one. Namaste, my friends.

December 27, 2007

Got What You Wanted?

Okay, let's check in. Who got what they wanted for Christmas?

Were you pleased to see just what you wanted under the tree? Or do you even know what you wanted? Did you expect to get it? Did your loved ones have to guess, and did they guess right? Or did you not have anything in particular in mind?

It seems to me how we do Christmas could be symbolic of how we do life.

I was reflecting on how easily kids say what they want. They're not shy about telling us what they want; they make lists well in advance, and they get excited about the process. They also seem to be fairly successful at getting what they want. (I've never seen such ridiculous gift-giving to little people! They have more stuff than I do!)

But what do we adults do? "Ohhh, you don't have to get me anything." "Anything you pick will be fine, I'm sure." "Let's keep it to a minimum this year."

I want to learn to be as particular as my 11 year old friend, Alyson. She's covering all her bases, making sure everyone knows exactly what she wants, down to the color, flavor, size and model number. Anyone who has any vested interest in her gets a copy of her list. In that way, she takes responsibility for her own happiness and sets herself up for big success Christmas morning.

Are we as clear about what we want? Do we make it known to others? Do we expect good things, or are we just glad to get through it, harboring vaguely formed desires that leave us feeling inexplicably dissatisfied when they're unmet?

Although Christmas is over, it's never too late for us to get what we want. Year end is a great time to get more clear about our true desires, and to set ourselves up for success in experiencing them.

How does that work? Let's look to Alyson as an example:

1. She knows what she wants. Nothing wishy-washy from this girl like, "oh, you don't need to get me anything." In fact, you don't even have to ask her. She'll tell you! And she's paid attention all year long as to what would thrill and delight her. She knows how to ask big, and isn't afraid to do so. Gotta admire that.

2. She communicates those desires, and asks anyone who might be able to deliver to do so. She even goes through ads to find the best deals and makes sure the adult shoppers in her life know how easy it is to satisfy her. If she sees someone with one of her items, she'll ask where they got it and pass the info along.

3. She expects to get what she wants. She knows the people in her life love her and want to please her, and she does her chores and follows instructions so she knows the good stuff is coming. It's a given, in Alyson's mind, that she will enjoy her Christmas morning.

4. Best of all, when something isn't quite right, she doesn't throw a fit. She's grateful for what she gets, and that's what makes her such a pleasure to give to.

Some folks might think it's better to be unassuming and undemanding. I have been one of those folks on occasion. But I see Alyson's sense in asking big, being clear, having high expectations, and enjoying.

Who's ready to ask big in 2008? This is our year coming up, if you didn't already know. If ever there was a time to flex our asking and expecting muscle, this is it. Let your Alysons show you how its done if you don't already have this one mastered. : )

Thank you, Alysons of the world, for showing us how to let it be even better than we're used to expecting.

December 19, 2007

Big Duh Moment

Well, you gotta love coaches.

I just hung up with mine who gave me immediate homework of lying down. "Go lie down," she said.

Knowing full well I wouldn't be good at it, she told me to let my boyfriend get cable in my house (he's gonna love that), and also get TIVO.

(I'll lie down after I write this post. I'm pretty sure.)

My coach recommended watching "Intervention" on Lifetime. And decorating shows at night, where the biggest problems people encounter is that the tile doesn't fit quite right.

All right, I never had a coach insist that I watch tv. (And somewhat purposeless tv at that.) In fact, several friends and colleagues are a little righteous in saying they not only don't watch tv, but they don't even OWN one.
And now I have not only permission, but INSTRUCTION, to watch it guilt free. (I think I love her.)

She also told me to stop reading for growth, and start reading for pure fun and pleasure. Whatever entertains my brain. Not something to "work" at, master, or create more to-do lists with.

All this because I somehow didn't make the connection for myself in the ezine I just sent out (Eliminate the Middle Man).

I had told Martha about Lindsey the massage therapist who told me I was fueled by adrenalin and insulin and that my gallbladder was shot. I thought the adrenalin and insulin observation might be right. And then reading Martha's description of adrenal burnout on page 221 in "4 Day Win" was confirmation that my gas tank is approaching empty.

She asked what I do that contributes to burnout. I gave a typical daily example of how I roll out of bed, go straight to the office, turn on the computer, let dogs out while it boots up, then open emails to see what's happened during the night. After I get out of the shower (before I'm even dressed), I pop back in to check email and see what happened during the 15 minutes I was away. I sometimes don't even eat breakfast until 1. The UPS guy knows all my pajamas, because sometimes I skip the shower part.

"Yep, you're addicted," she said.

She asked what I was hoping to find in those emails I obsessively check. "What's the best thing that could happen there?" It took me a few minutes to articulate, but it was something along the lines of some really good news that would allow me to relax a little and take a break.

So Martha told me to eliminate the middle man. (And no, she doesn't read my ezine. Is this the Universe talking loud and clear or what?)

She told me take a break now. "Go lie down."

Eliminate the middle man? You mean the middle-man good news that allows me to bask in success for a moment so I can relax? You mean just relax now?

The thought brought tears to my eyes. Relax now? Watch tv? Read for fun?

I think I've died and gone to heaven.

And because my COACH is telling me this, I will do it. My ex-boyfriend, current boyfriend, girlfriend, neighbor, even dogs - no one else could get me to relax on that couch. But I'll listen to my coach.

You gotta love coaches, and the "big duh" moments they inspire.

All right, I'm off to lie down for a bit. :)

Eliminating the Middle Man

I sent this out in yesterday's "Get What You Want" ezine. Because it's related to a post I'm writing now, I thought it would be helpful to include it on the blog:

What do you want and why do you want it?

Take a moment to reflect on those two questions. What do you want, and why do you want it? Write both answers down if you've got pen & paper handy.

My work with clients has taught me that we much more easily know the answer to the first question than the second. But it's worth getting clear on, because author and coach Michael Neill says it's not the first thing we really want, it's the second.

What do you want and why do you want it?

Some might say "I want to find the perfect house because it will give me more peace." Or maybe, "I want to drop a couple pounds because I want to feel good about how I look." Or perhaps, "I want to reduce my work and increase my income because that will allow me to enjoy life more."

(Can you tell what's on my mind these days? Those are my personal favorites.)

I have to agree with Michael; no matter what it is we say we want, what we're really after is how we think that thing or experience or person is going to make us feel.

So what do you say we drop the middle man, huh? Let's go direct!

When we identify the real target we're much more likely to succeed. I mean, how many times have you (or someone you know) got the thing you thought you wanted, but afterwards felt let down or unfulfilled? Like, we drop ten pounds but once we get there, we just think we need to drop five more before we're satisfied? Or we get the relationship we said we wanted, but after the newness wears off we still feel empty inside? Or we achieve our career success, but instead of being thrilled we're just worn out?

That's because we were shooting for the first thing (what we want) when we really wanted the second (why we want it - i.e. the feeling we think it will give us).

Many of you have heard me talk about how in the corporate world I wanted to pay off my mortgage so I'd feel free to quit my miserable job. For three years I made triple house payments until I got that thing down to zero.

How did it feel making that last payment? Relief? Celebration? I wish. Actually, I felt nothing. Nada. Flat. Empty. It was surreal how I didn't feel anything at all. No freedom, no enjoyment, no accomplishment.

What was wrong with me? In hindsight, I realize what I really wanted was "freedom" and yet that wasn't the vibration I'd practiced at all. All my vibe knew was "slaving away" making triple payments. I didn't know at the time that I couldn't get anything other than what I was feeling - which was more like "trapped & lifeless" than "free & easy."

But I know better now. And I'm not falling for it again.

So my formal list of what I want this upcoming year looks more like this: love my life, love my body, love my animals, love my world, love my people.

Now don't get me wrong ... I have specific ideas about what that might look like. I imagine it will involve being more toned and fit, living with my boyfriend, and managing my workload better. But the reason I want those things is because I think that will allow me to love my life even more than I already do. For me, it boils down to "loving my life." That's my accurate target.

And I know enough about how this deliberate creation stuff works to know that the way to get there is to vibrate that now. Love my life now. That's my entire to-do list for the new year. As I feel that love for life now, not only do I get what I really truly want - but my life also gets even easier to love.

You gotta love how this system is set up, huh?!

December 12, 2007

Recommended Stocking Stuffers

If you're cutting Santa some slack this year and shopping for your own holiday treats, here are a few things I suspect you'll enjoy:

Zoe Routh picked the brains of ten of the best LOA coaches and made the total package available for less than $100. This is one of my favorite LOA products I've ever seen, and not just because I'm in it. Zoe's the real deal. She delivers profoundly, and also packs in oodles of delicious extras that will get your new year off to a nice start.

Check it out for yourself and note that the price goes up next Thursday. So if you're picking it up, do so before December 20th!

If you haven't already caught on to Jen Blackert's Fearless Millionaire teleseries, there are still two free days to take advantage of. She let me check out her new Seven Dragons book and I have to say, it reminded me why I am so drawn to this girl. She knows her stuff, and compiled a unique, insightful fun-to-read personal development book. Good job, Jen!

Other books I enjoyed this past year are:

The Intention Experiment for amping up left-brainers' belief about LOA.
How We Choose to Be Happy for nine steps to a good time.
4 Hour Work Week for blasting through old patterns of "business as usual."
Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer - I'm so in love with Gregg!
Emotional Options - Mandy's on to something here. It's short, sweet & powerful.
The Alchemist - what can I say? I just discovered it!
Eat, Pray, Love - thank you, Iyabo, for making me read this!
Notes from the Universe - Mike is my all time hero. My wish is that everyone has a copy of this for managing funky days.

For you business owners and coaches, I highly recommend Michael's Book Yourself Solid, Milana's Coaching Millions and of course, the business owner's bible for getting clients: Attracting Perfect Customers. (That and a pray rain journal is how I built a full coaching practice in three months.)

And if you just need a cheap laugh right now, check out 2 Hot Girls in the Shower on the Secret. Thanks, David. Who else could have sent me this?

Looking for good music? It doesn't get much more rewarding than Mark Romero's instrumental guitar. It's more than just good music. It is literally (scientifically proven, and I can vouch for it based on personal experience) vibe-raising. Mark's got a gift, no doubt about it.
Maybe custom made jewelry that serves as an LOA reminder is up your alley this season. The bracelet Barb made for me that reminds me to "Relax & Enjoy" is virtually the only jewelry I regularly wear. Still loving it, Barb!

What am I asking for this Christmas? Donations. I asked family and friends to put their money to work (toward a cause they deem worthy) in better ways than just buying more stuff, even if it is stuff for me. I like buying my own stuff, anyway - and ever since I watched Earthlings (purposely I'm not giving you the link to watch it online), I'm thinking if we invest where our passion is with the end result we want in mind, surely that's a step in the right direction.

If anyone has other ideas, I am open to hearing them! Namaste, friends.

PS - this just in: Pretty cool gift idea, especially in light of Eckhart's dog interview I posted earlier today!

We Knew It!

Eckhart Tolle included in his Winter 2007 newsletter the trascript from a recent interview he gave to Connie Wilson, editor of Modern Dog. I thought you dog lovers would also appreciate an excerpt of his perspective:

an interview with spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle

Modern Dog Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Connie Wilson recently sat down with Eckhart Tolle, number one New York Times bestselling author of The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment. Widely recognized as one of the most influential spiritual books of our time, The Power of Now has been translated into over 30 languages and has helped countless people around the globe awaken to the spiritual dimension in their lives, find inner peace, increased joy, and more harmonious relationships.

When I recently learned that, like me, Tolle has a dog that figures prominently in his life, I felt compelled to contact him to see if he would grant me an interview for Modern Dog. It’s through this dog connection that I got the opportunity to meet this remarkable human being and his Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Maya, in their peaceful home on the edge of Pacific Spirit Park in Vancouver, British Columbia. I hope you find as much inspiration in his thoughts and teachings as I have.

CW: Just looking at Maya right now…she’s sitting and playing with her toy. I guess that’s a perfect example of being “in the Now”—in the present moment. Can you give us any other examples that are dog-related?

ET: To simply watch a dog without any kind of mental commentary, just tune in…there’s a link. Something else that’s very important for many people is they realize, consciously or unconsciously, that their dog is not judging them. For some people, it’s the only relationship that they have where there’s no fear and where they realize they are being accepted and not judged. For many people it’s the only relationship they have with another being. That’s a pity, because really they should have deep relationships with humans also, but that’s difficult because every human being has a mind and every human being judges and so people become afraid, they withdraw, they put up barriers.

I believe that dogs are keeping millions of people sane who would otherwise become deeply neurotic in our alienated world. So, the dog keeps you in touch with Being—beyond mind—Being, the innermost core. You can look into the eyes of the dog and see that innermost core. There are teachings that say every being is a spark of the divine or God. You can see it sometimes more clearly [in dogs] than in a human being because the human being has the veil of mind, negative emotions, and ego, and plays a role. I believe that dogs fill a vital function in the collective consciousness of humanity. I would call them “the Guardians of Being.” They show us what we have lost and, once we realize that, they can help us in our shift into a deeper state of consciousness.

Of course, we don’t want to be confined to only deep relationships with dogs, but they can teach us how to relate deeply to another being and then we can learn to relate deeply to humans also. That has to be the next step.

CW: I think that’s very well said. In your book, you say we operate in a “fear-based society” and I think that has a lot to do with whether or not you want to show somebody how you honestly feel about them—you really love them but maybe they’re not going to give you that love back, so you’re afraid to demonstrate love and you close yourself off.

ET: Yes, it’s wonderful to see, when I walk with Maya, people come and immediately their hearts open…they may not even look at me, they look at Maya; they pat her. They wouldn’t dare do that to me though it would be quite nice. (laughs)

CW: To what do you attribute the increasing popularity of dogs?

ET: It’s the alienation of modern society and the human need to relate deeply to another being, which they are unable to do with humans. I hope this is changing, but in the meantime, dogs offer the opportunity to relate to and to have an open heart towards another being. To be able to show love to another being which is always [reciprocated]. That’s why I think dogs have a function that is absolutely vital, to keep humanity sane in this transitional period between two states of consciousness.

CW: You start The Power of Now with a caption, “You are here to enable the divine purpose of the Universe to unfold. That is how important you are.” Do you think that dogs are here for that purpose as well or are they here to act as muses to help assist us on that journey?

ET: Right now, part of the dog’s divine purpose is to assist humans. That’s why they have chosen to be with humans. They have been with humans for thousands of years and now there is a link between dogs and humans, much closer than it has ever been. So part of their divine purpose is to help us. But it always goes both ways. Because by living with humans, dogs also grow in consciousness… it is reciprocal. They are helping us; we are also helping the collective, one could say, the “dog consciousness.” The two species are part of the evolution of consciousness itself. They are different expressions of the evolution of consciousness, which is the purpose of the universe.

They Show us what we have lost that, once we realize that, they can help us in our shift into a deeper state of consciousness.

Lessons to be Learned from Your Dog:
Eckhart Tolle on Being in the Now

There are various portals that you can use to enter the Now. One portal is to become aware of the energy field of your body as you sit there. To feel that you are actually alive in your hands and your arms and your legs, throughout your body. There is an aliveness that most people cannot feel because they are only in their heads, thinking. All their attention is absorbed by thinking and they are not present where they are.

So you can use this portal, the aliveness of your inner body. You can use sense perceptions…watch nature—trees or animals or your dog. Just be alert as you watch a dog, playing, resting; play with a dog…you can learn being present from an animal. Your dog can teach you to be present because the dog is ready to enjoy, celebrate life any moment… the Now. The dog is in the Now so it can teach you or remind you.

When you become burdened with problems, look at your dog and see how the dog is always ready to celebrate life. Another opening is to ask yourself whether you are friendly with the present moment or whether you are making the present moment into an obstacle or enemy. If you are against it or want to run away from it, you create stress, you create anxiety, you create past guilt or resentment…all these things that people carry around, they are in the past, and then you have the burden of the future which you can’t control, so to come to the present moment is actually a transformation of consciousness.

They show us what we have lost and, once we realize that, they can help us in our shift into a deeper state of consciousness.

December 6, 2007

Expanding Your Repertoire

After taking piano lessons for eight years, you'd think I'd be pretty good at playing piano, right?

Actually, I am. Or rather, I am really good at playing two songs. That's it. They're the only two songs I kept playing after I stopped lessons as a teenager.

When I play these two songs, I sound REALLY good. Like a gifted pianist. It's pretty impressive! (Or at least I like to think so.)

But ask me to play anything else and I'm lost. I actually won't even attempt it any more, because it ruins my fantasy of being talented.

I thought about this as I've been giving clients the example lately of a girlfriend who has practiced misery so well she can turn any situation into a reason to be miserable. (She's doing it right now, as a matter of fact, because I won't pick up the phone to hear her complain about her brother.)

Any self-respecting girlfriend would drop me as a friend. But since she's doing the misery tune and I fit perfectly into that song of hers (since I won't listen to her complain), she uses me as another reason to be miserable. Yes, she's gifted at "miserable."

Her story is that she was miserably married for 14 years, got a divorce, then was miserably single, then started dating, then was miserably dating (that was really miserable), then got a boyfriend (fabulous guy), then was miserable because she wanted to be married to this guy, then got married (after dating four months), then was miserable because the family integration was challenging, then got counseling for that (which helped), then was miserable because the honeymoon was over WAY too fast in her opinion, then was miserable because her parents like him more than they like her, then was miserable because ...

That's her tune. Miserable.

I tell clients until we practice the vibration we want, it won't matter WHAT happens in our lives. If we only know a small repertoire of vibrations, we can't experience any others.

We have to practice the vibration we want FIRST, before we have a "real life" reason to sing that tune. We have to expand our repertoire by practicing the feeling(s) we want.

I realized I can stop using my girlfriend (whom I love dearly) as an example because I have my own example.

Years ago when I quit my job to start coaching, I was stressed out because I had no clients and thus no income. (I was still holding the belief that I had to earn money. Can't say I've dropped that one 100% yet - but making good progress.)

Anyway, I was stressed out for having no clients, then stressed out because I had only a few clients, then stressed out because I had all the clients, but wasn't sure there would be more in the future, then was stressed out because I continually had too many clients than I could fit in my schedule.

I went from where I was (no clients) to where I wanted to be (successfull coach) without my vibration changing one iota. Okay, maybe an iota, but not enough to really notice the difference.

I was stressed out from start to finish. Because I hadn't practiced anything but "stressed out." That's all I knew.

It started in my corporate world with a management change, and I didn't do anything to manage my vibration other than quit my job, which I thought would change how I felt. As you just read, that didn't happen for me.

Taking the action, changing the circumstances, making things happen isn't what makes us feel better!

Changing how we feel is what makes us feel better; outside circumstances don't do that. They can't. I don't care how many times we get married, or quit our job, or pay off our debts, or lose ten pounds ... it isn't the "thing" that makes us feel better. You make you feel better. Nothing and nobody else can.

So if we don't practice a new feeling, we'll never get to it.

The new song I'm learning next? How to be happy in a long term relationship where we live under one roof and expect that's a wonderful, beautiful, rewarding thing. Because we are house hunting right now, so it's time for me to get good at this one.

Luckily I know how to practice new vibes.

Otherwise, you KNOW the posts you'd be reading about next, right? Right. I'm not playing that song.

Instead I'm playing the one where I am so glad to have learned enough about myself and myself-in-relationship that I know how to be flexible and appreciative and focusing on what matters and considerate of my partner and believing that everything works out deliciously. And how nice it is to truly be in an intimate partnership where we know, love and support each other in ways neither of us has ever experienced before. Delicious!!

So, anyone who cares to join me in expanding their repertoire, I'd love to hear what new vibration you're practicing, so that your next success feels as good as you expect it to. Maybe even better.


December 4, 2007

More Powerful Prayer

I was asked to post last month's ezine article, as some of you wanted to be able to access it online. Ask and it is given! Here's the (slightly) edited article:

Gregg Braden suggests most of the prayers we offer for peace may likely perpetuate the exact opposite because we're not using the right language. He said we've got a whole globe offering prayers of peace, and that's very likely why war and violence seem to be getting worse!

A right and wrong way to pray? How could that be?

Well, it isn't so much "right" or "wrong" as it is effective or ineffective. And as John P. commented on my related blog post, it's not as intuitive as you might think.

Here's the skinny: when we pray FOR something, we acknowledge its absence. Thus we empower the very condition we don't want.

That's an eye-opener in itself, huh? I mean, how many times have we asked for more money, a better relationship or job, or improved health? Whether we ask for it through formal prayer or just a despairing cry to the heavens at a low moment, we may very well hold our true desires at bay in the way we ask for it.

Gregg's presentation brought together information from both the leading edge scientific community as well as ancient spiritual traditions to teach us the language that the Field (aka Universe, God, Matrix, One Mind, Web of Creation, etc.) speaks. That language is the one of feelings and beliefs.

As we say a prayer to end war, bring soldiers home safe, or let the turkey be thawed in time, we are likely sending out a feeling contrary to what we want. Other cultures have been taught by their ancestors that the key is to feel what we want as if it's already happened.

(Sound familiar, Abraham followers?)

Their prayers are designed to help them feel those feelings. They know it isn't the mudra or chant or gongs that matter; but rather how they FEEL is what the higher power responds to. (Gregg pointed out that Jesus shared this same information, but much of this info was edited out of the Bible by Constantine's Council in the 4th century.)

This is why when I walk around the house muttering "PLEASE help me find my keys!!" I walk around endlessly looking for them. When I remember to feel the feeling of found keys, and look for them with THAT feeling, they quickly appear. (And yes, it feels strange to walk around happily saying, "Oh, there you are!" before finding anything. But you don't have to do it for long before they appear.)

So instead of praying from a place of lack, if we form our prayers in such a way that we feel now what we would feel after it happens, we speak the language that serves us.

How quickly can a properly formed prayer work?

Abraham says we can expect things to happen quickly (as in DAYS) when we work with the law of attraction. I tell people it takes two weeks maximum of adjusting the vibration to yield the results we want (when we do it consistently, which is often the trick).

But I've got a higher standard in mind now.

Gregg showed us a video clip of a woman with a three inch cancerous tumor who was healed in under three minutes (as shown on the ultrasound monitor) when three healers in unison "felt her" as healthy. Her tumor DISAPPEARED before our very eyes. (This "medicine-less" Beijing hospital has a 95% success rate!)

Atoms can rearrange instantly; there doesn't need to be any lag time on this stuff. We're conditioned to believe change takes time, that things happen gradually, but it doesn't have to be that way!

So how do we create instant results?

Well, as Gregg surmised, instant manifestation may be where we're headed (in the next dimension, 2012, who knows?) and it may be that this "reality" we're engaged in now is to help fine tune our skills for the "next level." That's an interesting thought.

The first question is what you believe is possible. Do you believe it's possible to lose 10 pounds in two days? Two hours? Two minutes?

I know, me either.

But if I watch that tumor video enough times, I'll get there!!

The second step is to be sure you're not focused on the lack or absence of what you want as well as remaining judgment-free about it. Those three healers weren't focused on eliminating the tumor; they didn't see it as bad or wrong. They simply focused on what it felt like to feel this woman as healthy.

John DeMartini says (in "You Can Have an Amazing Life in 60 Days") that the highest most powerful prayer "is a prayer of gratitude. Not a prayer of 'I need a change in,' but a prayer of thankfulness for what is, as it is."

So what does this all mean? Let's sum it up:

1 - Believe it's possible. (We're not asking for miracles, rather we're simply employing the technology that's available to us. Which might seem like a miracle, but it's not. This is simply how things work.)

2 - Release judgment & resistance. (With practice, you can.)

3 - Recognize that your feeling is the prayer (or "order up" as I like to think of it). It's not about the words, it's our feeling that matters. And we're having those all day long, right? Let's start paying attention to what we're calling up.

4 - Feel as if it's already happened.

5 - Gratitude for "what is" helps the process.

Perhaps this perspective will help you change the way you approach your process of prayer. Happy holidays!