November 26, 2007

Expecting Perfect or Problem?

Last weekend Gregg Braden asked us whether we're following doctors' instruction to do breast exams and check moles regularly, that sort of thing. Conventional wisdom says we're remiss if we don't, you know!

I ignore conventional wisdom all the time, so my answer to was his question was of course NOT I don't go looking for lumps or growths or anything that I don't want! Are you kidding me?! Who would do THAT??

Gregg went on to say that "reality exists only where we create focus." So as we look for something, we create it. He thinks (as do I) that it's ridiculous to look for problems with our bodies. Most people reading this blog will understand that perspective, I'm pretty sure.

But does that mean we shouldn't be paying attention to what's going on with our bodies? Gregg says most certainly not. He said the important distinction is that you can conduct an examination with the expectation of perfection rather than a problem. And that makes all the difference in the world.

So rather than checking that mole every week to see if it's changed in color or growing in size, instead we could notice our mole and thank it for being perfect. We could look at it with the expectation that it is serving us beautifully, and that it's an indicator of what fabulous health we have. I made that example up, but I think that's what Gregg had in mind.

This was a new perspective for me, because I've done the "don't look" at all routine. Not the "look with expectation of perfection" routine.

I mean, if I HAD to look at something, especially something that I knew would potentially take a toll on my good vibe, I'd set myself up to see what I wanted. But I preferred not to look if I didn't have to.

Like when I take a foster kitty's temperature ... sometimes it feels better not to take a temp and just let them heal without intervention, but sometimes there are symptoms present that make me feel neglectful if I don't. So when I take that temp, I'm running feelings of "ahh, that's perfect sweetie. Right where we want you." Rather than "What will I do if it's high?" worries while waiting for the thermometer to beep.

Or, sometimes I wanted a high temp so that it could fit in with an easily fixed illness. In that case the vibe I'd run was, "Ok, good, that makes perfect sense kitty. Just a little bug you're working on. No big deal."

What Gregg taught me was how not to be afraid to look. Not just bury my head in the sand and hope for the best, but be a conscious creator of what I want.

Having said all that, am I really going to start doing regular breast exams? Hmm. I'll let my higher self decide on that one.

But I do know that the next time I see an ad in some magazine trying to scare me about cancerous moles, I'll repeat to myself - or shoot, maybe out loud to everyone in the room - "I love my perfect moles. They are so cute and healthy!" Ha ha!


  1. I think you bring up an important distinction here, Jeanette: to what are we attending?

    (In a comment to you in another post, I had first typed in the you are a Mountain of Light in the darkness. I suddenly realized that I was speaking the darkness, so I left it out. I started wondering how much darkness I see because I expect to see it or I just use it as a phrase in self talk and social talk.)

    Thank you for this timely reminder.
    I will apply a search for expected perfection in my life.

  2. Hi Jeannette
    That's a good one. All focus on negative expectation is pretty powerful. Recently here in Australia they were talking about publishing online a 'risk calculator' for breast cancer - you enter your personal details - height, weight, habits, family history, and then it calculates your 'risk' of breast cancer. It's meant as an eye opener for people who are not looking after their health (ie overweight, smoking, and no breast checks ;))

    What a terrible thing! Now we'll have a whole bunch of people wandering around thinking about their %risk and manifesting it accordingly.

    A much more helpful site might have been - how to honour your body in perfect health. Same intended utcome (less breast cancer, healthier people) but the focus is on health, and not illness.

    Thanks for a goodie J!


  3. You know, Rick, today I heard this similar concept voiced by P'taah in his response to someone asking what to do about the senseless destruction of the earth. The person was saying that it broke her heart to see nature being destroyed for parking lots, but she also knew that paying attention to it only created more.

    P'taah said that it wasn't our job to ignore what's disturbing us, but to find a way to participate that was positive-focused. Like writing the company and asking what we could do together to replace the lost trees.

    I'm smiling at the optimism there. And I also see how powerful it is.

    I've been practicing this one at the animal shelter, when instead of going in and thinking "you poor animals" and feeling wretched about their situation, I purposely go in with "Hello lovers - so nice to see you! Have fun in your happy new homes!" and feeling light and ... well, optimistic.

    I figure that energy HAS to help. If no one else but me. :)

  4. Zoe, you're definitely on to something with that health-focused site!

    In fact, I bet someone's already created it! With more and more people understanding how things work, especially when it comes to our bodies, someone has to have created such a site already. I would hope.

    Nice to hear from you again, Zoe! In fact, I meant to tell you on one of your recent posts (I love them all!) that I could relate to your appreciation of readers for keeping you honest. Next time I'll post it on your blog.

    Much love, Zoe!

  5. What a lovely thought, focusing on perfection instead of flaws. Imagine looking in the miror with those eyes.
    It is a natural phenomena when we gaze onto babies, dogs & cats, nature, loved ones. There is this spontaneous joy. What if we kept it up. Lol.

    Love Leslie

  6. Yeah, Leslie - like when we're in love, we see only the good things. lol

    To think I used to think that was naive! ha!

  7. It is only sensible to have an annual mole scan if you have a fair complexion and any history of skin cancer in your family - my mother died from it five years ago. I am not looking for imperfect moles. I am asking the doctor to check.
    My gynacologist checked my breasts and found a lump, benign, but he found it early enough to have it removed before it became malignant.

    I sent my husband for a routine scan as he is 57 and it is responsible to do so. They found advanced prostrate cancer. Had he not had the scan, we would not have known until it was inoperable.
    A 61 year old lady we know went for a routine scan yesterday and was diagnosed with cancer in the liver, breast and bones. She started chemo the same day.
    None of us were looking for anything. We just wanted confirmation that everything was fine but by checking, we found conditions early enough.


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