I remember the conversation where she told me she was throwing in the towel. She was done with the disappointments, the letdowns and the tears. She was giving up - not forever, she said, but for a while, at least. She'd been hurt too many times.
Three weeks ago she invited me to her upcoming Vegas wedding.
Let's look at that timeline again. She gets divorced, is intent on finding the romance that was missing in all those years of marriage (I think it was over 12), spends two years looking for it. (And she wasn't looking with an "easy eye" out for it, she was hunting it down!)
The entire time it eludes her and she has mostly miserable experiences with new men. After the "last straw," she throws in the towel. "That's it," she declares. "I'm done!"
Within a week she gets an email from a guy on an online dating site that she was letting her membership expire on. She tells him she's done. He persists. She doesn't even have the energy to argue with him. She meets him just to get it over with so he'll leave her alone. (Because she can tell from his profile that he's not her knight in shining armor.) That was late March.
They're getting married on August 4th. And this guy .. wow! What a keeper!!! He reminds me of Sam Elliott, with an absolute heart of gold. And he treats her like a queen.
I laughed with her today: "If I would have told you in early March that you'd be married by fall, would you have believed me?" Absolutely not, she said!!
How does this happen?
People who don't understand law of attraction might say this is an example proving that LOA doesn't work. She wants it, doesn't get it. She gives up, and THEN she gets it?! How is that "like attracting like"?
But those who understand LOA - especially the concept of resistance and allowing - can easily see how a Romeo couldn't come into Peggy's life until she threw in the towel. (Or at least released her iron clad grip on it.)
Peggy was VERY attached to having a new guy in her life. She'd lived without love and romance for long enough, in her opinion (those of my clients who have been coached by me to practice self love can hear me biting my tongue on that one, right?) - anyway, she was beyond bound and determined to have this thing. She was desperate for it. Her life did not work without a love partner. And she was going to find him.
Can you feel that energy? If you were on the other end of the phone with her, trust me, it would be unmistakably "attached." And you know what that means, right?
There was no ease or allowing present.
Until she gave up.
Then, voila!! The floodgates were open!!
It's not my favorite way to get to allowing, but it sure is a common way. lol
I've done it myself.
Anyway, I'm just so smiling at how quickly things can turn around after we thought all was lost. Isn't it beautiful how our vibrational escrow can come swooshing in so fast?! When we LET IT?!
Amen to that.
And congrats, Peggy. You deserve all the happinesses in the world! (As do we all.)