(This is why I have virtually no pictures of myself - it's easy to spot the difference in photos for some reason.)
For most of my life, I went to one person to have my lashes & brows dyed. Every month for an hour and a half I would sit in my aesthetician's salon chair while she applied dye to make my lashes & brows appear normal.
Sometimes I wondered what would I do if it weren't for her. No one does as good a job as she does. No one gets the match quite right; no one else cares as much as she does. No one else makes me feel as beautiful.
And then she went to Europe for the summer. Which was potentially devastating, as I'd relied heavily on her to feel good about myself.
But then I met Renae. Who did an even better job than my original girl! I never dreamed it possible to improve on the service I was already receiving, but there it was. Even better than before! I wouldn't have thought it possible! But it was undeniable. Even better than before. How lucky am I?!
And now Renae has injured her shoulder and isn't working.
Instead of being devastated, this time I know there is another good surprise in store for me.
This is what I'm thinking of as I reflect on 2007 and look forward to 2008. This last year was amazing in so many ways, that I wouldn't think it possible to improve on. If I didn't already know better, that is. It really CAN get better! In fact, it DOES! That's how it works.
Three years ago when I was dating online every guy I met was even better than the last. It was surreal!! I don't think I stopped smiling the entire summer! I tell people all the time that I had so much fun that summer I'm sure it was illegal.
So I know it can get better than it already is - even when it's already fabulous. I also know that as I reflect on how wonderful it is, it can't HELP but get better. That's how the system works.
Life is already SO good, what more could I ask in this upcoming year? 2007 treated me very well ... I can't imagine what more to look forward to in 2008. But then I remember Renae.
And I remember life just keeps getting better.
Better and better.
Are you ready? Are you ready for it to get even better than it has been?
Because it's coming.
Actually, it's happening already. In every moment, it's getting better. Can you feel it?
It's happening now.
Here's to 2007, and 2008, and all the wonderful years ahead and behind us. Aren't we the lucky ones?!
See how your year was wonderful, and you're automatically a guaranteed shoe-in for another one. Namaste, my friends.