August 9, 2007

Lost and Found

I don't do this as often as you would think a business owner would, but this morning I happened to listen to voice mails and there was one from the Po-lice. (We say POH leese, not puh leese, extra emphasis on the first syllable so you sound really .. mm .. white trash, redneck whatever. I live in a neighborhood - that I love, by the way - where that's the norm.)

Anyway, it was a message about a missing 8 year old boy last seen just two blocks from my house yesterday. The whole neighborhood - at least everyone who listened to voice mails - was put on alert to bring him home safely.

It inspired some strange vibes in me.

First I was appreciating the swift and I think potentially effective action on the police's part. (Okay, when we talk about police in terms of finding missing children, we leave the emphasis on the second syllable: so "puh LEESE." Lots of respect and appreciation there.)

Second, I was wondering if his family was in turmoil or involved. As often turns out to be the case.

Third, I thought of him by himself. Was he really abducted and feeling alone? Or did his uncle just decide he was due for a vacation from mom? Who knows? But if he wasn't with someone who cares about him and he felt alone - ah, that thought is just heart wrenching for me. Especially because the voice mail gave a detailed description of him, so you kind of feel like he's yours by the time you're done hearing it. It's making me tear up just to go back to this vibe.

And then I wondered about the wisdom of those alerts. If they inspire these awful feelings in the whole neighborhood, is that helping? Well, obviously we know it wouldn't be. Let me do some work on this vibe.

Maybe the whole neighborhood doesn't feel awful. I think because this was particularly close to home it hit a little harder. So there was that for me, but maybe I'm unusual in that respect. I'm sure he's passed my house, because I live on a school street. He's practically mine. I probably let him pet my dogs. All right that's not helping.

But maybe everyone else - or at least someone else - hears it and responds differently.

When I imagined a different response others might have, it was easier for me to shift my feelings. I got to the absolute strength and power of community pulling together. And the enormous appreciation of technology that makes it easier than ever to put thousands of eyes on the street looking for our MIA friend.

And then I imagined the news clip I might catch (although I don't watch news) of his mom holding him, with grateful tears in her eyes, recounting how scared she was but how happy she is he's home safe and sound now. And maybe a sheepish grandpa in the background who was sure he told someone they were going to the park for the day.

Community! Technology! PuhLICE instead of POHlice! There's good stuff here. Even in a missing child alert.

Lots of love to you, Moses. You can do it; you're the best there is. They don't let just ANYONE sign up for big jobs like this. Only the strong ones get to play these parts. And you're doing a great job. Feel the love, Friend.

PS - this is the last time I'll post about anything missing. Nothing but joyful found posts from here on out. In fact, let's activate that now. I FOUND a perfect home for my old stove and fridge. (Or they found me actually.) I found Joe's tag for his collar. I found a perfect partner in Amy Grant. Elizabeth Smart found her way home. The utility guy just found his way safely through my yard with no dogs waking up to greet him. Lots of people find things and people they love every day. Shoot - my inbox is FULL of stories from clients finding their passion and joy and heart's desires! Yay!! Things are found every day. Including our compassion, our connection, our love for each other and our spirits. Every day! Love is found every day.


  1. I have lots of comments brewing in myself about this post. Like "why not skip it?" After typing this entry up, I went on a mini-eating binge - my sure fire sign I'm stressed.

    And yes, it seems wise to avoid things that don't feel good. I don't like that the "bad" real world news has invaded my voice mail? Don't give it any more attention!

    Yet this blog is intended to help us manage deliberate creation in the real world. And in the real world, sometimes we hear missing child alerts on our voice mails, apparently. ?? (I didn't even know that was possible!)

    I'm off to take a feel good action. A shower. And a play date with seven dogs.

    Namaste, all.

  2. What a marvelous technological advance! If I had a missing kid, I would sure want to live in a neighbourhood that would empower others to be the village that looks for my child! That's something to be grateful for.

    Of course, everyone wants him to be home and safe. Maybe because of this voicemail he will be.

    This is practicle good vibe stuff... When the world steps in, you need to stop the automatic, reflect, refocus and move on... at least that is what I am learning.

  3. Wow....if I was a missing kid, I would want Jeannette Maw on my side. I appreciate the fact that you took time to see him safe and sound in his mother's arms & truly feel it. That is a "feel good" vibe and we all know those vibes make a difference.


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